Greetings all
This blog is a place where Lucie and Craig share their new adventure of living and learning (and earning our living) It took Craig a little more than 5 years and a lot of patience to convince Lucie to give this lifestyle a try. After practicing for 5 summers living in an RV parked on Lake Champlain, Lucie agreed to give up their apartment and move into our 1983 vintage bus full-time. (June 2013)
The bus is a 1983 BlueBird WanderLodge. Although he would prefer to have his '98 Honda ST-11 motorcycle in tow, Craig compromised by agreeing to tow along a vehicle Lucie could drive also (a 2003 Saturn) (UPDATE: Saturn died - we got a 2000 Jeep..) (UPDATE: The Jeep divorced us and the guy who bought is sold us his 'shop car' - 2003 PT Cruiser)
We are starting this blog six months after leaving the apartment behind. It will most likely be a combination of our thoughts about travel, education, and technology. We seek out venues that inspire creativity and convergences of creatives as we travel. (Makerspaces, Innovative Schools and Non Profits Creative Conferences and Workshops, etc)

+Craig Lyndes
Craig Lyndes was an IT specialist with 30 years of experience supporting technology in Vermont schools. He has crossed the country 10 times on his motorcycle, including venturing to Alaska. In 2004, he gave up his job as network administrator of Vermont's largest school district and traveled around the United States with a 1980 Allegro RV and Kawaski Nomad motorcycle. He chronicled his travels at He has been a long time admirer of the Bluebird WanderLodge and purchased his bus in 2009. He worked remotely from the road maintaining the network and IT infrastructure of his school until 2018 - where he retired.
+Lucie deLaBruere
Lucie deLaBruere is an educator with 20 years experience in her own classroom and 10 years experience in ed-tech leadership working with educators both inside schools and in higher ed. She currently calls herself a freelance educator (which means she takes on some projects for free and others for fee).
She also teaches graduate classes online for The University of Vermont, Graduate School of Marlboro College, and St. Michael's College. She also offers custom professional development in schools and Summer Institutes. In 2012 she designed the Create Make Learn Summer Institute for educators, which is dedicated to increasing the confidence of educators to design instruction for learning through creating and making.
Lucie blogs at
Lucie blogs at
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